Who we are - SOSU Ostjylland


Digital transformation is taking place in elderly care as in most other sectors.

Digital transformation is taking place in elderly care as in most other sectors. High end Technological solutions are rapidly developing:

  • Technical assistance systems in the living environment (Smart Homes, AAL - Ambient Assisted Living), e.g. floor sensors, emergency call systems etc.
  • Robotics: Technical systems that support or perform nursing activities and services.

But also much simpler technologies can support and improve quality of care, e.g. with regard to Electronic care documentation:

  • Telecare, e.g. provision of care instructions or video connection via a video connection
  • Care apps, providing exercise instructions for physical mobilisation or memory training,
  • Reminders for taking medication, etc.

This change creates a strong need of new competences of professional care givers. They need sound basic digital competence as well as job-related digital competence.

The project seeks to equip the two lowest qualified levels (EQF Levels 1 and 2) of care professionals, care assistants and home helpers, with basic digital skills they need for exploiting the potential of technology in their professional practice. By providing a tailor-made, flexible and multi-channelled training offer on professional digital competence.

The project is carried out in collaboration with partners from Austria, Italy and the Netherlands.

Erasmus+ Project number: 2022-1-AT01-KA220-VET-000085278

Project period: 1/11 2022 – 31/10 2024

Youy can read more about the project at https://dimicare.eu/