Who we are - SOSU Ostjylland

Finished projects

Feel free to take a look at our finished projects.


Taking action in schools for a more sustainable world through Sustainable Development Goals.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are 17 goals defined by the United Nations to tackle the world's biggest problems by 2030. The goals derive from the United Nations’ international agreements on processing towards explicit sustainability in 2030. They are unique in that they call for action from all countries; poor, rich and middle-income alike to promote prosperity, all the while protecting the planet. The goals form a useful lens through which to look at the most

pressing global issues. Hundreds of millions of people don't have enough food to eat; women still earn less than men and have fewer rights; plant and animal species are rapidly vanishing; and the gap between rich and poor is getting wider. More than 40% of the global population are between the ages of ten and 24 – the largest youth population ever. To solve the world's problems, the next generation needs to know what those problems are. A good way to ensure this is to teach

them about the SDGs. The project unfolds the United Nations’ sustainable development goals through students, 14– 18 years old, and their participation in a cross-cultural and cross-educational context. The project will focus on developing the needed tools and methods in order for children and teachers from different countries and educational and cultural environments to work together (co-creative) on global topics related to the sustainable development goals.

The project is carried out in collaboration with partners from Italy, Romania and Greece and supported by the Erasmus+ program.

Erasmus+ Project number: 2021-1-DK01-KA220-SCH-000032815

The project period is 1/12-2021 – 01/04-2024.

  • Coordinator: SOSU Østjylland, Denmark
  • Partner: Fundatia Ecologica Green, Romania
  • Partner: Giovani Valdarno, Italy
  • Partner: C.M. Skoulidi & SIA E.E, Greece
  • Partner: Private school Themistoklis, Greece

You can read more about the project here: Home - ACT (act-project.eu)

Co-funded by the european union


Alliance for Green Entrepreneurship

Our aim is to bring green-minded individuals together and provide them with the necessary tools and resources to grow their business in a healthy and sustainable way.

We are passionate about promoting and empowering businesses that prioritize the planet’s wellbeing, and we believe that by doing so, we can build a greener, healthier, and more equitable world for all.

Our platform is a dynamic space where green entrepreneurs can connect, collaborate, and share their ideas, challenges, and successes. We provide a supportive environment where our members can learn from each other, find mentorship and guidance, and access the latest research and insights on sustainable business practices.

Through our community-driven approach, we hope to build a network of sustainable businesses that will have a lasting impact on our planet and the communities they serve. Join us today, and let’s create a brighter future together!

The project is carried out in collaboration with partners from Bulgaria, The Netherlands, Poland, Romania and Greece and supported by the Erasmus+ program.

Erasmus+ Project number: 2021-1-BG01-KA220-ADU-000035300

The project period is 1/11-2021 – 01/11-2023.

You can read more about the project here: www.ageplatform.info

Co-funded by the european union

AIDA - Active ageing for the elderly

AIDA - Active ageing for the elderly with ID is an EU funded KA2 project established to develop and expand the toolbox of ideas and strengthening staff skills and competences to build a more physical and active everyday life for older people with cognitive and mental challenges.

The 2-year project started on October 1st 2020.

The project is carried out in collaboration with partners from Spain, Greece, England.

  • Coordinator: Centro San Viator Spain
  • Partner: Errotu Taldea S.L.P  Spain
  • Partner: C.M Skoulidi & SIA E E  Greece
  • Partner: Bridgwater & Staunton college, United Kingdom

You can read more about the project and follow the project at https://active-ageing.training/about/

Project application

Newsletter no 1 (in Danish)
Newsletter no 2 (in Danish)
Newsletter no 3 (in Danish)
Newsletter no 4 (in Danish)


Co-funded by the european union


AMIDE: Approaching Multi-Ethnicity and Dementia in Education and Work

Dementia is becoming one of the major causes of dependency among older people worldwide and the number of people suffering from dementia and needing care is constantly increasing.

In many countries in Europe, this challenge is combined with the challenge of handling multi-culturality and multi-ethnicity among care staff, among the residents at care homes and the elderly receiving home care - and among the relatives of these.

The overall objective of our project is to contribute to the improvement of competences among teachers and trainers, who are educating and training basic care staff and among professional caregivers with regard to multi-ethnicity/multi-culturality and dementia.

Another objective is to strengthen in general the cooperation between care work and care education, build new links and establish new permanent fora.

The project is carried out in collaboration with partners from Italy, Germany and Latvia and supported by the Erasmus+ program.

Each partner is participating with two partners each: One partner is representing working life (care homes) and one representing education.

Erasmus+ Project number: 2019-1-DK01-KA202-060294

The project period is 1/11/2019 - 31-12-2021

  • Coordinator: SOSU Østjylland, Denmark
  • Partner: Aarhus Kommune – Sundhed og Omsorg
  • Partner: Giovani Valdarno, Italy
  • Partner: Asp Martelli, Italy
  • Partner: AWO Bildungscampus, Germany
  • Partner: Haus am Klostergarten, Germany
  • Partner: Stradins Medical College, Latvia
  • Partner: Social Care Center Zemgale, Latvia

You can read more about and follow the project at: www.amide.eu


Co-funded by the european union


The project is specifically tailored to the needs of women who are caring for relatives and have problems in reconciling their daily care and work lives, as well as women who want to return to work after a career interruption due to care and need support in doing so. Care4Carers focuses particularly on: Support for re-entry into the labour market after a career interruption due to care needs:

  • Improving employability
  • Increase occupational mobility
  • Strengthening personal, social and organisational skills

This will be reached through the development and provision of a low-threshold and flexible counselling and qualification offer for caring relatives.

Care4Carers is a two-year collaborative project carried out by partners from: Austria (coordinator), Bulgaria, Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Italy and Denmark.

Erasmus+ project number: 2021-1-AT01-KA220-ADU-000035098

Project period: 01.02.2022 – 01.02.2024.

Website: care4carers.eu

Co-funded by the european union

CareWare Nordic

A cooperation between Danish and Swedish partners and supported by the EU funded program Interreg ÖKS

The goal of the project is to develop better and more efficient solutions for citizens in need of assistive devices, municipalities and growth for the manufacturers of welfare technology. Also a closer cooperation and common goals to better the quality of life for the citizens in the Nordic countries.

CareWare Nordic focuses on following elements:

  • Collecting knowledge and experience.
  • Activities with a focus on technological solutions in the fields of social, health and rehabilitation.
  • Competence development in social and health care educations – connecting educations closer to the developers of welfare technology.


  • Aarhus Kommune/Municipality of Aarhus, Denmark
  • SOSU Østjylland, Denmark
  • Viborg kommune/Municipality of Viborg, Denmark
  • Center for Industri, Denmark
  • Varbergs kommun, Municipality of Varberg, Sweden
  • Hälsoteknikcentrum Halland, Sweden  ( Now; Leap for Life)

You can read more about and follow the project at: careware.dk

Project Application

Extension document (in Swedish)

Co-funded by the european union


D-Care. Dementia: Respect and Respite

The D-Care project aims to train caregivers of people living with mild to medium dementia. Two courses will be delivered: one for professionals (including volunteers), the other for non-professionals - the family and friends who become caregivers. The courses will be defined with the aim of the carers acquiring competences to assist the people with dementia. Another aim is to provide respite for the caregivers.

The project is carried out in collaboration with partners from Italy, Greece, Spain, UK and EfVET and supported by the Erasmus+ program.

Erasmus+ Project number: 2019-1-IT01-KA202-007806

The project period is 1/11/2019 - 31-10-2021.

  • Coordinator: AUSER Insieme Regionale Umbria, Italy
  • Partner: p-consulting.gr, Greece
  • Errotu Taldea S.L.P., Spain
  • Partner: EfVET, European Union
  • Partner: CEBANC, Spain
  • Partner: Age UK, United Kingdom
  • Partner: KOISPE FAROS, Greece
  • Partner: Associazione OMNIS, Italy

You can read more about and follow the project at: www.dcare.training/

Co-funded by the european union


Eco-therapy for people with substance abuse disorders

Developing a new and innovative recovery and rehabilitation tool - the Eco-Therapy Method - to support drug and alcohol abuse counsellors in their important role in helping people with substance abuse disorders.

Eco-Therapy is a two-year project that aims to equip and enhance the skills of professionals to better support people with addiction problems by introducing an innovative approach of Eco-Therapy in vocational training institutions and treatment centres.

Substance abuse is one of the biggest challenges EU societies are facing. According to WHO, per capita alcohol consumption in the European Union is the highest in the world.

Eco-therapy is a formal type of therapeutic treatment, which involves doing outdoor activities in nature (e.g. gardening, physical activity in nature, cycling, etc.). Its benefits can have a tremendous impact in the rehabilitation process of people suffering from substance abuse disorders.

Despite the research done in the field of eco-therapy and its positive impact on health disorders, this method is still not utilized in the field of substance abuse disorders in Europe.

Expected results

The project aims at developing educational material and interactive training resources for training and therapy centres, trainers and counsellors in the field of Eco-Therapy. More concretely, the project will develop:

  • A guide for vocational training institutions and therapy centres describing the benefits and best practices for the use of Eco-Therapy and providing practical guidelines for the delivery of vocational training courses on Eco-Therapy
  • An Eco-Therapy curriculum and Open Educational Resources introducing the topic to drug and alcohol abuse counsellors to enable them to implement Eco-Therapy sessions in their everyday work
  • An Eco-Therapy digital toolkit for VET trainers with exercises, methodology and training material, to implement such courses.
  • A MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) to make available the training to a large number of interested professionals.


  • BUPNET GmbH – Germany
  • KMOP - Education and Innovation Hub - Greece

Co-funded by the european union


EduApp is an EU-funded KA2 ERASMUS+ project established to join forces and expertise to create the framework and resources for digital education and communication, as an answer to the educational challenges of the 2020 pandemics.

The project proposes a solution with long term benefits, and effects, consisting in digital resources, a training program for teachers on how to develop digital resources and an application for mobile devices for each partner school.

The 2-year project started March 2021.

The project is carried out in collaboration with partners from Romania, Portugal, Spain, The Netherlands and Denmark.

  • Coordinator: Fundatia Ecologica Green, Romania
  • Partner: Instituto Politechnico De Santarem, Portugal
  • Partner: Ies El Rincon, Spain
  • Partner: Stichting Landstede, The Netherlands
  • Partner: SOSU Østjylland, Denmark

You can read more about and follow the project at: http://eduapp-project.eu/

Co-funded by the european union


Is an EU funded KA2 ERASMUS+ project about simulation, exchange of good practices and quality in healthcare education.

The project aims at increasing the quality of the training provided by the partner institutions through a series of simulation activities run at local and transnational level, putting together expertise and good practices.

The project tangible results will be developed through a series of local and transnational activities. The involved teachers will develop a trainer’s Manual including examples of good practices and a Compendium.

Four students from each partner institution will take part in two blended mobilities aiming at improving their personal and professional competences, doing simulation in a multicultural context.

The 2-year project started november 2019 (extension due to Covid19 pandemic).

The project is carried out in collaboration with partners from: Romania, Portugal, Spain, Turkey and Denmark.

Project coordinator: Fundatia Ecologica Green, Romania

You can read more about the project and follow the project at: http://exprax.eu/

Co-funded by the european union


FOCUS - Forward looking social Europe skills

SOSU Østjylland is part of an EU-funded project that aims to identify the skills that future social workers will need in general - but especially the professional and other employees who work with vulnerable children and young people.

The 2-year project is carried out in collaboration with partners from Romania, Italy, Austria and Denmark.

At the beginning of the project, SOSU Østjylland initiated a collaboration with Educational Consultant Dorthe Anthony from the Ministry of Children & Education.


You can also download the curriculum for HR managers, managers and employees in the social field here, and Work Packet 3.11 here.

Co-funded by the european union

Forget me not

The KA2 Erasmus+ project Forget Me Not 2.0 is a two-year project; 2022 – 2024.

Reminiscence is a well-established practice that has been used widely since the 1960s to improve the lives of people living with dementia. It gives people the opportunity to share their stories and experiences, and helps them remember who they are.

This can boost their self-confidence and social interactions and make valuable connections between their past and the present. In most care settings, this takes the form of a ‘Memory Box’ which is used to collect photos, cuttings and artefacts. This project addresses this transnational need

by both building on a previous Erasmus+ project, 2017-1-UK01-KA202-036686, ‘Forget Me Not’, which developed and tested an online platform which served as a digital memory box, and 5 training modules for professional carers.

Forget Me Not 2.0 builds on the previous outcomes and research recommendations from an associated project conducted by UDAF in France to enhance the technology of the platform, produce both a more detailed set of training resources and facilitate wider access to training.

Participating organizations are:

  • UDAF de la Charente, lead (France),
  • edEUcation ltd (UK), UNIVERSIDAD DE ZARAGOZA (Spain), FRODIZO (Greece),
  • SHALOM (Bulgaria), SOSU Østjylland (DK).

Website: https://www.forgetmenotdigital.com/en-gb/

Co-funded by the european union

Housing Care Project

Using reframed skills in senior housing care

The project supports 2 trends in home care, partly digitalization and person-centered care.

Specific objectives of the project are to develop adequate levels of knowledge and skills in care using AAL ( Ambient Assisted Living) or E-health technologies by care workers.

In the project, we develop modular E-learning teachings that provide basic digital competences for use in the relationship between care worker and citizen.

On March 16th, we pilot-tested the teaching modules together with care workers on theory classes from Silkeborg Municipality. The staff gave valuable feedback which we will use at our partner meeting in Madrid the same week.

The project is carried out in collaboration with partners from Italy, Spain and Ireland and supported by the Erasmus+ program.

Each partner is participating with two partners each: One partner is representing working life (care homes) and one representing education.

Erasmus+ Project number: 2021-1-IT01-KA220 VET-000032949

The project period is 1/2/2022 - 31-12-2023.


You can read more about the project here: https://housingcare.net

LinkedIn profil:   Housing Care Project | LinkedIn

Co-funded by the european union

Hybrid Learning Communities

The KA2 Erasmus+ project Hybrid Learning Communities is a two-year project; 2021 – 2023.

How do teachers understand and use digital technologies as a part of their collaboration in Teams and how can these findings be the foundation for development of new didactical design principals for hybrid forms of professional learning communities?

The target group of the project are teachers, their pupils and their educational leaders and the aim is :

- Development, implementation and transfer of innovative practices, joint initiatives for collaboration, learning and  developing digital technology in education.

- Professionalization and professional development in education. Developing teachers’, learners and educational leaders’ digital skills to enhance the quality of virtual learning activities in education.

- Strategic and professional use of ICT methodologies and virtual collaboration.

The long-term benefits of the project will be Hybrid Learning Communities(HLC) at local schools some of them connected to larger transnational HLCs with a big potential for cooperation with schools across borders and across pedagogical/didactical traditions.

Project organizations are: SOSU Østjylland (lead), Esbjerg Realskole, Osnovna šola Olge Meglič (Slovenia), Kópavogsbær (Iceland).

Website: https://hybridlearningcommunities.eu/   

Co-funded by the european union


I-Care. Intercultural Care in the Social and HealthCare Sector

Social Care and Health Care professionals play a fundamental role in the lives of a culturally diverse group of clients and patients. Communication and interaction between employees in this sector and the people they help is greatly influenced by their ability to deal with this cultural diversity.

Intercultural competences are an essential element of professional care in the Health and Social Care sector.  However, vocational education and training for people working in this sector often does not fully address how to manage cultural diversity.

The Erasmus+ I-CARE project aims to support the fundamental role played by Health and Social Care professionals in working with people of different national, ethnic, social and economic origins.  and enabling these clients to benefit fully from the services available – an intrinsic feature of a fair and equal system.

The project is carried out in collaboration with partners from United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Greece, and Austria and supported by the Erasmus+ program.

Erasmus+ Project number: 2019-1-UK01-KA202-061433                      

The project period is 1/12/2019 - 31-12-2021.

  • Coordinator: APRICOT Training M LTD, United Kingdom

You can read more about and follow the project at: www.i-care-project.net

Co-funded by the european union

Keep Me Safe

Keep Me Safe: supporting youth peer development tackling sexual abuse.

The project aims to develop and test training material that strengthens young people's competence to prevent sexual assault and exploitation.

A App for young people and employees working with young people

The Project Rinova Limited, UK and also has the participation of institutions and organisations from Slovenia, Bulgaria, France, Cyprus and Denmark.

You can read more about and follow the project at: www.keepmesafe.eu

Project application 

Newsletter no 1 - September 1st 2019 

Newsletter no 2 - Februay 2nd 2020 

Co-funded by the european union


MBAT4Seniors: Mindfulness Based Art Therapy as Effective Tool to Improve Mental Health of Seniors in the context of COVID19 pandemic.

It is worth to mention that the population of Europe is ageing rapidly. The average age of Europeans is already the highest in the world, and the proportion of people aged 65 and older is forecast to increase from 14% in 2010 to 25% in 2050 (WHO data). Although people are living longer, but not everyone has a good quality of life in old age because of physical and mental health. Modern issues as pandemic causes much more stress than ever. 

The newest research states that one year after the declaration of the pandemic there is strong evidence that social isolation has caused older people to feel lonely, which in turn has led to increased mortality, cardiovascular disease, depression, and anxiety. Research have also shown that psychological therapies are one of the most effective means of overcoming the consequences of isolation for human psychological health. And especially good quality mindfulness-based interventions demonstrated a significant improvement in mental health.

Researchers have long shown that art therapy has a particularly positive effect on adult mental health. Mindfulness training in combination with art therapy (MBAT – Mindfulness Based Art Therapy) gives indisputable improvements of mental health and reduce anxiety, stress, and symptoms of depression.

The main aim of the project
is to equip adult educators, working with seniors, exhaustive methodological material about use of combination of art therapy with mindfulness (MBAT) with the aim to improve 65+aged learners' mental health in the context of COVID-19 pandemic. Target group of the project - adult educators. Beneficiaries - seniors aged 65+

Main activities

  1. Researched the impact of MBAT on seniors' mental health and composed the map of possibilities.
  2. Prepared innovative training package for adult educators and seniors consisting of training programme and tool kit for use in everyday life.
  3. Created project website and prepared e-learning platform and mobile application as a tool for learning on MBAT and use its techniques in everyday life through personal computer, tablet, or mobile phone.
  4. Implemented international training of adult educators "MBAT4Trainers: giving the guidance for adult educators".
  5. Carried out testing sessions on MBAT4Seniors educational package in all partners countries.
  6. Hold local workshops for seniors about use of MBAT in everyday life.

Project results

  1. International in-depth Analysis: the use and impact of Mindfulness. Based Art Therapy to improve the mental health of the individuals. It will be the guidance for partnership to develop training package for adult educators and seniors.
  2. MBAT4Seniors Manual. It will be exhaustive instructions with didactic material as well as practical tasks for adult educators with the aim to hold effective MBAT sessions for seniors, suffering from mild mental disorders such constant anxiety, depression, stress. Manual will contain material on circular economy to make MBAT sessions eco-friendly.
  3. MBAT4Seniors Tool Kit. It will be a set of practical MBAT tools (exercises, tasks), specially designed to seniors 65+, to cope with mental health light disorders.
  4. E-learning web platform and Android mobile application. Digitised tool, which will contain all training package for seniors, so that they can use it at any time in daily life.

Project Nr. 2021-1-LT01-KA220-ADU-000030408

Duration 1st of January, 2022- 1st of January, 2024.

Coordinator: Education, Research & Consultancy Center - ERCC (Lithuania)



  1. International in-depth Analysis: the use and impact of Mindfulness Based Art Therapy to improve the mental health of the individuals.
  2. MBAT4Seniors Manual
  3. MBAT4Seniors Tool Kit
  4. MBAT4Seniors e-learning web platform and Android mobile application.

Website - http://mbat4seniors.com/

Facebook – MBAT4Seniors

EPALE Community of Practice: Mindfulness Based Art Therapy (MBAT)

Co-funded by the european union


Innovative Methodology for preventing Radicalization to promote Social Inclusion of Youth

In a context of increasingly polarized societies, with extremist ideologies spreading and presenting high threats to social cohesion in Europe, the EU and its Member States are recognizing the need to develop effective prevention policies and intervention scenarios supporting social inclusion and cohesive societies-

The OPEN MINDS project will explore the socio-economic drivers of radical religious and political ideologies prone to incite or lead to violence. It will also analyze exit strategies and disengagement from radical contexts and present complementary knowledge on non-radicalizing identity.

Extensive fieldwork will be conducted and the research findings will be translated into two intervention scenarios (gaming and training) which will directly enable young people to take an active role in a more inclusive Europe.

Our consortium will draw on the existing state-of-the-art research across relevant disciplines (from conflict and terrorism studies, sociology, psychology, geography, linguistics, moral philosophy, computer science and econometrics) to pave a way for exploring the links between socio-economics, radicalization and deradicalization and related socio-ecological resilience.

According to the Societal Readiness Level (SRL), OPEN MINDS will aim to identify social-economic problems, design and pilot solutions and, refine and validate these solutions in close collaboration to stakeholders and civil society.

The project is carried out in collaboration with partners from Greece, Belgium, Bulgaria, Italy, Slovenia and Cyprus and supported by the Erasmus+ program.

Co-funded by the european union

Slow Learning

Slow Learning: Developing the skills of IT trainers of elderly people.

The main target group of the project is teachers, mentors and other professionals in IT-training for senior citizens. The project will develop and test methods that will:

  1. strengthen their knowledge and understanding of pedagogical tools in relation to senior teaching.
  2. develop their key skills in working with older adults
  3. use their practical skills to increase the quality and learning outcomes of non-formal IT programs for older people

The project’s second target group is senior citizens who will benefit from an increased availability of teaching and training courses in relation to their needs and expectations.

The project is led by LJUDSKA UNIVERZA PTUJ from Slovenia and other partners come from England, Bulgaria, Spain.

You can read more about and follow the project at: www.slowlearning.eu

Project application

Co-funded by the european union

Social Connections

The project is an EU funded KA2 ERASMUS+ project established to develop digital competences of C-VET educators in the social sector, enabling them to teach to students how to develop and use high quality digital content for social inclusion of clients who are housebound because of disability, illness or COVID-19 related restrictions.

The expected tangible results of the project are a handbook and a toolbox which will support trainers in VET and C-VET in the social sector and an e-learning course which the trainers themselves will develop as an outcome of a project-based learning activity and which students will be able to access to learn how to use ICT to engage their housebound clients in meaningful activities.

The 2-year project started in March 2021.

The project is carried out in collaboration with partners from: Italy, Portugal, Romania, Spain and Denmark.

  • Coordinator: Fundacion Intras, Spain
  • Partner: Anziani E Non Solo Societa Cooperativa Sociale, Italy
  • Partner: Approximar-Cooperatiova De Solidariedade Social, CRL, Portugal
  • Partner: Virtual Campus LDA, Portugal
  • Partner: Asociata European Association For Social Inovation, Romania
  • Partner: SOSU Østjylland, Denmark

You can read more about the project and follow the project at: www.socialconnectionsproject.org/

Project Application

Newsletter (english)

Newsletter (danish)

Co-funded by the european union


The KA2 Erasmus+ project A parent training on using the Teaching Interactions Procedure through digital tools to teach Social Skills to their children with autism (TIPS) is a two-year project; 2022 – 2024.

In 2009, the teaching interaction procedure (TIP) -a systematic social skills teaching package which consists of six steps (Phillips et al. 1974), was first empirically evaluated for individuals diagnosed with ASD (Leaf et al. 2009). The results indicated the TIP was successful at increasing the rate at which all of targeted social skills of all the participants.

Within this context, TIPS project aims to improve the life and personal skills of children with autism and their families. Therefore, considering how important learning social and life skills from an early age is we propose a project with target group parents of children with ASD and with the following objectives:

  • To design, test and publish an innovative Educational package for adult educators that will guide and support their training on parents of children with autism on how to use digital tools- a digital game and digital comic strip- as a teaching tool for the social and life skill development of their children with autism. Both digital tools will be based on the evidence-based procedure of teaching interactions.
  • To deliver training courses to directly train educators on how to effectively use the digital tools with children with autism and to deliver these courses to parents of children with autism in order to amplify and perpetuate the ripple effect of those Courses.


Participating organizations are:

  • SOSU Østjylland, lead,
  • Infinitivity Design Labs (France),
  • STANDO LTD (Cyprus),
  • Sina Svetulka (The Republic of North Macedonia).

Website: https://tips-project.eu/

Co-funded by the european union

The A Class

The "A" class: integrating and supporting students with autism in the mainstream classroom.

SOSU Østjylland is the coordinator on The A-class project. The purpose of the project is to strengthen the teachers readiness and skills to contain and support students with autism in ordinary classes and education.

The project has participation of institutions and organizations from Croatia, Italy, Spain, The Czech Republic, Macedonia & Cyprus.

You can read more about and follow the project at: theaclass.eu

Co-funded by the european union


Upskilling youth organizations for the inclusion of people

Multiple researches have been investigating the quality of life and overall functioning of youth with ASD. A consistent finding across studies is the importance of social participation and its correlation with improved quality of life. Studies describe the negative impact of social isolation and lack of community integration for youth with ASD, emphasizing the need for more social support resources.

In other words, participation in community & social activities is beneficial for a young person’s health and development, including those living with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

Yet so far, inclusion projects have been primarily focused on youth with physical disabilities and little attention is directed to youth with ASD and their inclusion in youth initiatives in their communities.

In order to tackle this issue, there is a high need for the upskilling of local and community youth organizations in order for them to be able to include youth with ASD in their initiatives and match their services with this present and future need to support the psychosocial development and independence of people with ASD.

The YouthASD-project aims at providing youth workers and youth organizations with a new, innovative and accessible learning opportunity on ASD. More specifically, the project’s objectives are:

  • To support the participation and inclusion of ASD youth in youth organizations’ activities
  • To increase the attractiveness and accessibility of youth work for ASD youth
  • To provide the necessary training methodology and tools to youth workers in order to include ASD youth in their work
  • To provide organizational support to youth organizations to include ASD youth in their initiatives by upskilling their administrative and management staff
  • To provide youth training opportunities adjusted to ASD needs

The project is carried out in collaboration with partners from Greece, Cyprus, Italy and Spain and supported by the Erasmus+ program

Erasmus+ Project number: 2021-2-DK01-KA220-YOU-000049090.

The project period is 1/04-2022 – 01/04-2024.

  • Coordinator: SOSU Østjylland, Denmark
  • Partner: Kentro Merimnas Oikogeneias Kai Paidiou (Greece)
  • Partner: Anziani E Non Solo Society Cooperativa Sociale (Italy)
  • Partner: Centre For Advancement Of Research And Development In Educational Technology LTD-CARDET (cyprus)
  • Partner: Fundacion MIRA’M De La Comunitat Valencia (Spain)

You can read more about the project here: https://youthasd.eu/

Co-funded by the european union